A few days ago I woke up more sore than the usual which caused me to feel sorry for myself because I am still not "back to normal." After Romeo left for work, I decided I would just stay in bed a little longer. While I was lying there, I picked up my iPad and was viewing all the Facebook posts from that morning and the previous evening. Now don't judge me, I am not typically one of those people who updates my status every hour or post on my friends' pages constantly. I am more of the passive Facebook user (referred to as a "creeper" by my teenage daughter) who just snoops around to see what everyone else is doing. However, since my interaction with the outside world has become very limited, it is my main outlet for social stimulation (along with Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest). Okay, so maybe I could be considered a Social Network junkie at this point, but at least I recognize my problem.
Anyway, I ran across a post that included a video
link from my high school friend, Jay who commented, "Trust me, you'll
like it and have I ever lied to you...?" So I opened the link
and it was a music video made by Megan Kowalewski who is twenty-three years old that has Hodgkin Lymphoma. The video is of her lip-syncing to Kelly
Clarkson's song. "Stronger." This video demonstrates Megan's strong spirit
and charming personality while she is making the best out of her chemotherapy experience (as well as
entertaining her fellow cancer patients).
I found the video very inspiring and it reminded me how
blessed I am that my cancer was caught early, easily treated and didn't
require any horrid treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.
Seriously, I am really fortunate to have only endured a couple
unpleasant tests and was basically “cured” by having a mastectomy. There
are so many people who have to go through so much worse to survive cancer.
I am so thankful I am not one of those people.
So after watching the video, I popped out of bed and decided
it was stupid to feel sorry for myself. I know in time I will be back to
“normal” and this whole ordeal will just be a “blip” on my life story.
Honestly, there truly have been some good things that have come out of this unexpected
journey. I have met lots of interesting people and learned to trust God more than ever before. I've also had a lot of time to do things I would normally not bother to do.
For example, I had plenty of time to work on my Christmas
outfit for my company’s Tacky/Obnoxious Sweater Party. And guess
what? I won the trophy! Can you believe it? I am by no means
a Holly Homemaker, but since I’ve made a couple Christmas stockings for my kids over the years, I knew how
to sew on a couple sequins and use a glue gun.
This picture really doesn’t do the outfit justice. I found a $3 black cardigan at a used clothing store that already had the white embroidered snowflakes. I had previously bought
the pink sequin skirt during one of my Cancer Retail Therapy days described in
this blog even though I had no idea when or where I would ever wear it. But part of the purchase went toward Breast Cancer Research, so I went ahead and bought it because it was so cute. And then those lovely pink fishnet
tights were borrowed from Mikayla's Halloween costume.
The shoes were feathered lingerie slides that I purchased at
a “going out of business” sale at least 25 years ago for $5.00 I wish I
could remember the name of the store located on the Square in Madill,
Oklahoma. It was owned by two sisters and I think I might have been their
best customer because anyone who knows me understands my LOVE for
shoes! In all those years, I had never worn them before but knew someday I would
have the opportunity! These feathery friends been moved to at least 10
residences since they were purchased over two decades ago. Thank goodness
I held on to them for this perfect occasion!
I added the pink collar, fuzzy balls, jungle bells and
sequin snowflakes at the neckline; in addition to hot gluing a little glitz to
an old hair clip and dangling earrings. I honestly didn't think I was
deserving of the award because some of the contestants had some pretty ugly stuff (no offense to my sweet friend Angela). Seriously, I thought my sweater was really cute and not tacky at all. Did
I mention I also received a $50 Gift Card? Romeo is convinced I got the
sympathy vote; but whatever! I am totally milking this cancer thing as long as
lol - what a superstar! You may just start a trend....! x