Monday, March 11, 2013

Good-Bye Big Boobies!

My surgery went well last week but it took a lot more out of me than I was expecting. I am not sure what I was expecting but I assumed it wouldn't hurt and I would just wake up and everything would be back to normal.  Silly, silly me! 
My surgical and recovery room experience was much more pleasant than the first time.  As you may (or may not) recall, My Cancer Free Boo-bee Day Part One blog explained the horrendous events of this experience and then My Cancer Free Boo-bee Day, the rest of the story.... summarized what happened after surgery in the recovery room.  I was very happy Nurse Barbie was not waiting by my side when I opened my eyes last Tuesday. 
Thankfully, this surgery only lasted a couple hours and then I was in recovery for an hour or so.  As soon as I was awake, they allowed Romeo to come sit by my side until I was ready to go.  When I say "go" I mean stand up, put on my clothes, walk to the bathroom and then get in a wheelchair.  Sounds easy, but it took Romeo coaxing me the whole way.
As I have said before, surgery drugs are really good. My favorite part is the stuff they shoot into your IV before they take you into the operating room. It's the "I don't care what you do to me" drug. I really don't remember all the events that took place after I received this attitude alternating serum, but Romeo says I got all mushy, kept wanting to kiss him and hold his hand. I certainly don't doubt I became lovey-dovey because I do tend to be a touchy/feely type of girl.   But I DO deny announcing (according to Romeo) to the entire surgical holding area (in my outside voice), "Good-Bye Big Boobies" as they were whisking me away to the Operating Room.

My first impression post-surgery to my new lady alterations was negative. I was really, really mad at Dr. BK. First, I was in pain. In the last three months, no one ever mentioned anything about this procedure being painful and I asked! In fact, Dr. BK sent me home with ZERO drugs because it wasn't going to hurt. Second, the new lady parts looked just like the old lady parts except NOW I had a bunch of new incisions and they HURT like the devil!

So after Romeo wheeled me back to our hotel room, I had a meltdown. Mid-afternoon I convinced him to take me back to MD Anderson to see a pain specialist. These are the people you see when you can't take pain medications. Have I mentioned I am allergic to a ton of drugs so I just can't take anything? Anyway, they prescribed a drug called Nucynta which worked but it made me a little nauseous, but compared to the side effects of other pain meds (not being able to breathe), I'll take a little queasiness.

Today I am six days post-op and still have a little pain if I move around too much. My energy level is lower than I was expecting, but I feel like I am getting stronger each day.  I am happy to say my new and improved lady parts look pretty good considering what they've been through in the last six months.  I am not mad at Dr. BK anymore because after the swelling went down they were smaller and surprisingly took at least 15 years off their age.

Next steps are in a couple months when I go back to Dr. BK to decide if I want high, low, or no beams on my new hardware. I bet you never thought there were so many options to breast reconstruction? It's kind of like redecorating your house, except you can't take the new pillows back if they don't look good on the couch.